'Cloak & Dagger' Recap With Spoilers: "Lotus Eaters"

'Lotus Eaters' starts with a young Mina making cookies with her father Ivan. Ivan flies to the [...]

(Photo: Marvel Entertainment)

"Lotus Eaters" starts with a young Mina making cookies with her father Ivan. Ivan flies to the Roxxon oil rig, where he talks to a few of the workers. One of the workers reveal that shielding tiles — integral parts to the rig — aren't coming. An irate Ivan asks to speak with Nathan Bowen immediately. While Ivan's waiting in his office, the power shuts down an alert starts going off.

Present day, Ty talks to Tandy at the church about the shooting he just witnessed. while talking through it, Tandy reveals to Ty that she found a survivor from the oil rig explosion. She asks Ty for his help and the two head to the hospital to see Ivan. Tandy says she needs his help with the door she saw in Ivan's vision.

They arrive at Ivan's room and they touch him at the same time, entering the same vision. They locate the door and Ty reaches out to open it, but they're transported into the oil rig immediately before the explosion and are quickly approached by an oil rig worker who tries attacking them. Tandy stabs him and he's knocked unconscious. The two realize that in this vision, people can see and hear them.

They enter another room where Ivan's waiting and he instantly starts questioning them. The pair asks where they are and Ivan mentions they're "halfway there." When asked what that means, Ivan reveals they're halfway to the end of time as we know it. Ivan explains that there's a way to power down the rig so that it doesn't explode. Ivan mentions that they don't have time to get to the core room before the rig explodes in just under two minutes.

Regardless of the little time, they try heading to the core room but are forced to fight off more of the workers. Time runs out and they're transported back to the same exact time when they first met Ivan. Ty and Tandy continuing asking questions and Ivan explains that after the initial explosion, the mineral they're drilling for releases gas that makes the rig workers turn on each other out of fear.

Ty and Tandy try explaining to Ivan that they've come from the real world and attempt to convey that Ivan's been trapped in this alternate reality for the past eight years. Tandy tries to bring up Mina, but the name doesn't ring a bell. Tandy then brings up her father's name and Ivan remembers it as "the guy on the phone" and it's revealed that Nate was speaking with Ivan when the Bowen's car crashed into the Gulf. Just as he says that, the phone rings and Tandy picks up, talking to her father. The big explosion happens again and the two are taken back in time yet again, to their initial interaction with Ivan.

Ty mentions that they need to shut off the valves so the explosion doesn't happen in this reality but Tandy wants to wait and talk to her father again. Ty decides to leave the room himself to shut off the valves and he's instantly approached by a group of the workers. As they're about to attack, Ty teleports himself elsewhere on the rig.

Back in the main room, Tandy answers her father's phone call. The two chat while Ty gets to the core room and begins turning off the valves. He's unable to turn them all off before the explosion happens and time resets. Ty explains that shutting off the valves didn't work and Ivan acts surprised. They explain that they have to leave the reality and they count to three again and they leave.

Back in the real world, Ty realizes that only he left Ivan's mind and Tandy decided to stay behind so that she could continuing talking to her father. Ty then goes back into Ivan's mind and finds out that Tandy is now suffering from the same effects Ivan is. She's forgotten Ty's name and has apparently been in this alternate reality for quite some time. After talking to her for a minute, Tandy remembers Tyrone's name. She explains that she hates th other reality because she's fatherless and homeless.

Ty tries convincing Tandy that the two are friends and Tandy explains that in the real world, she's just been playing Tyrone. As they start arguing, time resets. The phone begins ringing and Tyrone rushes over to pick it up but Tandy pulls out a dagger on him. In frustration, Tyrone unplugs the phone from the wall. In a fit of rage, Tandy tries throwing a dagger at Ty, but he teleports himself away. She continues trying to throw daggers at Tyrone but he keeps dodging while teleporting around the room. The two continuing fighting until time resets.

Tyrone that admits that he'd probably stay in Ivan's mind if it were Billy calling him. He tells Tandy that he's leaving to go back into the real world but convinces Tandy to ask her dad one question that only he would know to prove he's actually Nathan Bowen. When the phone rings, Tandy asks her dad who's in the back seat of his car and Nathan says nobody, proving to Tandy it's not actually her father calling during the explosion. Tandy begins crying and time resets.

When Ivan goes to take a bite out of a cookie Minda made earlier in the day, Tandy rushes over and grabs it from him. Tandy begins questioning Ivan over the cookie, trying to get him to remember Mina. Tandy explains to Ivan that he needs to transfer his consciousness back into his body so that a father can "do the right thing." As she's talking to him the phone rings and she doesn't answer it.

After explaining Mina's secret ingredient in the cookies — cardamom — Ivan remembers his daughter and begins crying. He asks the see Mina but tells the two that he can't exit this reality and Ty reminds him that he needs to get down to the core room to shut the valves off himself. Ivan's upset because he's tried doing it time and time again but Tandy reminds him that he's never had them to help.

The three fight their way through the workers to get to the core room and Ivan shuts off the valves before the big explosion. The three instantly wake back up in the hospital and Ivan's fully conscious. In the real world, Ivan doesn't know who Ty and Tandy are and asks to see Mina, who rushes over. She brings him a bag of her cookies.

Ty and Tandy go to their respective homes. Ty looks through an old shoe box of pictures and finds an old voice recorder. Tandy tries falling asleep and receives a call on her cell, it's Tyrone. He tells Tandy he needs somebody to talk to. Tandy convinces Tyrone to press play on the voice recorder and it's a clip of him and his brother beatboxing as kids.