Deadpool 2 Writers Explain How They'll Distill Cable to His Essence

Deadpool 2 is set to introduce his buddy and sometimes rival Cable into the mix, and that presents [...]

Deadpool 2 is set to introduce his buddy and sometimes rival Cable into the mix, and that presents a challenge for the writers.

Depending on who you ask, Cable has either the best or worst origin in comics. Loosely, Cable, aka Nathan Christopher Charles Summers, is the son of Scott Summers (Cyclops) and Madeline Pryor, a clone of Jean Grey. As a baby, he was infected with a techno-organic virus, and to save him, he was sent centuries into the future. There, he was raised by the Askani, a clan founded by his genetic sister from an alternate timeline (seriously) and the psychic spirits of Scott and Jean inside temporary bodies while on their honeymoon for several years (also seriously). From there, we have clones, more families, betrayal, more time travel, more alternate timelines; it's glorious.

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All of that leads us back to how Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese will handle Cable in Deadpool 2, something they recently spoke to Collider about.

"I think authenticity is important," Reese said of Cable's complicated story. "I think part of what made Deadpool such a success, I think we're going to continue that authenticity." His writing partner directly addressed the origin and said that it's more about finding the "essence" of Cable than trying to throw all that information at an audience in the space of a film.

"With Cable, he's got such a convoluted past, and such a convoluted origin story that I think we're going to try to leave that, not mysterious, but there are a lot of twists and turns, cloning and all this stuff where you go, 'Oh my God. How do we get that across in a two hour movie?'" Wernick said. "I think we're going to distill him down to his essence. It will be authentic and faithful, but it's not going to include the 18,000 details if you were going to read a Wikipedia page about Cable you'd roll your eyes."

While that's probably the best approach, the Deadpool game did have a pretty great take on introducing Cable: with an incredible introduction song, called "Who the f*** is That?" It succinctly explained Cable's origin in a rhyming rock song: "Who the f*** is that? He's the man out of time. Who the f*** is that? He likes to fight crime..."

Deadpool 2 starring Ryan Reynolds, is in pre-production now and currently scheduled for a January 2018 release.

deadpool cable2

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