
Deadpool 3 Writers Explain Why Ryan Reynolds’ Sequel Is Taking So Long


With each day that passes, it’s increasingly likely Deadpool 3 won’t enter theaters for at least another two years — likely three or even four if we’re being realistic. Marvel already has three films in the hopper for 2023 and has just one more date open for the year, which will likely go to Blade, the Mahershala Ali vampire thriller set to begin filming here in just a few short weeks.

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When asked what’s taking them so long to get the movie out the door, Deadpool 3 scribe Rhett Reese said they’re trying to make it the best film in the trilogy. “We want to make it great,” Reese said in a wide-ranging interview with The Playlist. “We’re in the laboratory working on it with Ryan Reynolds all the time, and we’re very much entertaining ourselves.”

He added, “So, hopefully, that translates and ultimately will entertain the world. But you know, it’s a marriage between Fox and Disney and it’s two different universes and it’s not easy. But it’s also a wonderful challenge and, you know, high-class problems to be able to merge those, those worlds. So, we’re, we’re enjoying it.”

In the same interview, Reese expressed excitement on being one of the filmmakers to help tie the Marvel Cinematic Universe together with the Marvel world previously built by 20th Century Fox.

 “Obviously, it’s like, it’s two completely different regimes, right? So, it’s two different bureaucracies,” he continued. “It was Fox, all these different people, and now it’s not those people anymore. It’s these [Disney] people and these people do things their way. And we were used to doing things our way, so there are differences, but I think the great part is that Marvel’s been incredibly supportive.”

Deadpool 3 has yet to set a release date.

What characters would you like to see appear alongside Reynolds’ Merc with a Mouth? Let us know either in the comments section or by hitting our writer @AdamBarnhardt up on Twitter to chat all things MCU!