Halle Berry Open To "Revisit" X-Men's Storm Or DC's Catwoman

Halle Berry got into the super genre when the revolution of Marvel and DC characters dominating the box office and headlines was just beginning. In 2000, Berry starred in the first X-Men movie as Marvel's Storm before going on to play the part in several more installments with the franchise. In 2004, she hopped over to the DC side to portray Catwoman in a film titled after the character. Now, she is gearing up to release Moonfall which hits theaters this weekend but with actors like Tobey Maguire and Michael Keaton returning to Marvel and DC roles which they were thought to be finished with, Berry is also open to such a move.

"I would revisit any of them, actually," Berry told ComicBook.com. "I loved all of those characters and I was always grateful to get to play them and be a part of those big franchises, you know? So I would revisit any of them."

Maguire recently reprised his role as Spider-Man for Spider-Man: No Way Home and Keaton is set to be Batman again in this year's The Flash movie. With Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness on the way, it's possible Marvel opens the multiverse's door for Berry's Storm to make an appearance in the Marvel Studios film while The Flash is exploring a Flashpoint story which could similarly offer a multiverse opportunity for Berry's Catwoman to play a part. 

For now, it's all about saving the world from a collision with an out-of-orbit moon. Originally, Berry's character in Moonfall was written to be a high-ranking NASA employee who was a male character. Moonfall director Roland Emmerich decided to change the gender of the character when he saw what Berry brought to it. "Well, probably somewhere along the way," Berry says the change was made, as she joined the Moonfall development but won't take credit for singlehandedly getting the role changed. "I really attribute it to Roland for having, you know, the open mind and the forethought to realize that something that was possible. You know, like 20 years ago, I couldn't... Or 10 years ago even, I couldn't imagine them casting a black woman as the head of NASA. You know, a black man, okay. But a black woman? No. So, you know, I attribute that to Roland."

In Moonfall, Berry stars with Aquaman's Patrick Wilson and Game of Thrones alum John Bradley. Directed by Emmerich, it is written by Emmerich with Spenser Cohen and Harold Kloser. In the film, a mysterious force knocks the moon from its orbit around Earth and sends it hurdling on a collision course with life as we know it. With only weeks before impact and the world on the brink of annihilation, NASA executive and former astronaut Jo Fowler (Berry) is convinced she has the key to saving us all – but only one astronaut from her past, Brian Harper (Wilson) and a conspiracy theorist K.C. Houseman (Bradley) believe her. They are tasked with an impossible last-ditch mission into space, only to find that they might have prepared for the wrong mission.

ComicBook.com's full Moonfall interview with Halle Berry can be seen in the video at the top of this article! Would you like to see Berry be involved in future Marvel or DC projects? Share your thoughts in the comment section or send them my way on InstagramMoonfall opens theaters this weekend.