How Many Movies Does Tom Holland Have Left On His Spider-Man Contract?

Sony and Marvel are not on the same page at the moment when it comes to Spider-Man, and the cast [...]

Sony and Marvel are not on the same page at the moment when it comes to Spider-Man, and the cast is sort of caught in the middle, which is crazy to even think about after a movie makes over a billion at the box office. That's currently what's happening though, and now attention turns towards star Tom Holland's contract, which Marvel fans are curious about since it is probably nearing its end. Will he stay with the franchise if Sony decides to not take part in the MCU, or will he push for a reconciliation? Of course, he could also just leave while still on top, but that's probably not what anyone, including Holland, wants.

Initial reports stated that Holland's contract included 6 films. 3 of those movies would be Sony solo features while 3 of the films would be MCU projects. That was actually only a deal in place for Captain America: Civil War at the beginning, but later it was expanded to include Holland's roles in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame.

In that time Holland has also appeared in Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home, fulfilling 2 solo films. That would leave 1 more solo film in his initial contract, and this could conceivably be without Marvel or Kevin Feige's involvement if things don't change between the two studios.

It seems Holland was pitched on being a part of the MCU when he was cast, and it remains to be seen if Holland will be upset with the current state of things making that impossible. "The big test will be two years or so from now, when an eventual Spider-Man movie is made," a Sony insider told THR.

Now, Sony and Holland might have worked out an extension, but if they have they've kept things quiet about it.

Far From Home opened up the MCU side of things in a big way, but if Sony and Marvel don't find a way to move past this, that could be the last we see of that in the Spider-Man universe.

What do you want to happen Marvel fans? Let us know in the comments!