
New Marvel Fan Theory May Reveal Hidden MCU Skrull Ahead of Secret Invasion


What are the Skrulls now up to in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? That’s a question that hung over all of Phase 4, but will only be answered in the upcoming Phase 5 storyline – starting with the Secret Invasion Disney+ series. A new MCU theory is catching on with fans – one that predicts that a major pivotal player we saw in Phase 4 could have been a Skrull the whole time – causing some major trouble for Nick Fury, Captain Marvel, and possibly all of Earth! 

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Now that fans can look at Phase 4 in hindsight, it’s been interesting to see how some views have changed over time. Fans have been more critical of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier than some of the other Marvel Disney+ series we got – and not without good reason. TFATWS featured some twists and reveals that haven’t panned out fully with fans, leading to alternative theories about what could be happening. Case in point: one of the series’ final reveals that Sharon Carter (aka Agent 13) was the infamous “Power Broker.” 

Sharon’s somewhat villainous turn has perplexed a lot of MCU fans – especially those who have been waiting for actress Emily VanCamp to take up a proper comic-accurate role in the MCU. Sharon Carter has been around since Captain America: The Winter Soldier in 2014 and has arguably been one of the most underutilized characters in the bunch. But does she have a big arc as a Skrull coming up? 


Reddit user AdventurousAd8436 got fans thinking with this theory that the “Power Broker” Sharon Carter is actually a Skrull, “Because it’s the only way I can make any sense out of Sharon sending an army of killers after herself (in the dockyard fight scene). Also, how Sharon could be upstairs in a building firing a sniper rifle in defense of Bucky, Sam, Zemo, and then a mere seconds later she pops out of nowhere in the street.”

Fans have questioned some of Sharon’s actions in TFATWS that preceded the reveal that she’s the Power Broker. It’s one of the bigger criticisms of the reveal, actually, in that it felt contrived, tacked-on, and at odds with how Sharon acts at key points in the show. That all said, a lot of Marvel fans have closed the book on what TFATWS offered – for better or worse – and have little interest in deepening the hole by having Sharon’s role in the show revealed as a Skrull.

User “preppytarg” argues that it’d be better for Marvel to simply keep with Sharon’s Power Broker storyline – just do it better, going forward: “…Interesting concept, shoddy execution. Undoing that with a Skrull twist is cheap. Just own the heel turn, but do it better moving forward.”

Unfortunately, this theory that Sharon is a Skrull quickly get overcomplicated as “Adventurous” tries to argue that Sharon – like Nick Fury – is using a Skrull accomplice to be in two places at once: 

“I could go with the idea that there were two Sharons — the real one infiltrating the Power Broker’s organization for the CIA, and a Skrull Sharon inserting itself here and there. And the Skrull is the one we see at the end.”


Right now, we truly have no idea how the MCU is positioning the Skrulls for shows like Secret Invasion or films like The Marvels. Secret Invasion’s trailer suggests there is indeed a faction of “evil Skrulls” operating on Earth, having infiltrated upper echelons of power. In that sense, The Power Broker being a Skrull wouldn’t be too crazy: especially since Sharon was clearly gathering the sort of power-enhancing materials that could turn Skrulls into Super-Skrulls, of the kind seen in the original Secret Invasion comic book story. 

Secret Invasion and The Marvels will both be released in 2023.