'Daredevil' Writer: "My Guess Is That It’s The End Of The Marvel Universe On Netflix"

It's no secret that the cancellation of Daredevil left fans in a state of shock. In fact, reports [...]

It's no secret that the cancellation of Daredevil left fans in a state of shock. In fact, reports surfaced in the days following the cancellation that even some of the executives at Marvel Television were surprised that Netflix ended up deciding to pull the plug on the show.

Fans and critics alike have agreed that Netflix is done with producing content featuring Marvel characters and that's a sentiment that at least one Daredevil writer concurs with. In an interview with io9, Daredevil writer Tamara Becher-Wilkinson offered her opinion on the situation.

"If I was a bettering woman, you know, my guess is that it's the end of the Marvel universe on Netflix," Becher-Wilkinson said.

Becher-Wilkinson then went on to detail how the news of the cancellation was relayed to the writers who, conveniently enough, were already assembled working on plotting out Daredevil season four.

"Erik Oleson [the series showrunner] got a call asking him to go down to see the Marvel executives, and I jokingly went 'Ooooooooh,' like a third grader does when someone gets called to a principal's office," Becher-Wilkinson reflected. "Then, he waited for everybody to gather back in the writers' room and he said, 'Netflix has decided not to move forward with season four.' And that's all I remember, you know. I kind of missed the details because I was, like, so surprised."

The writers weren't the only people surprised. The latest season featuring the Man Without Fear is largely considered to be one of the show's best offerings to date. Season three has a 94% Fresh rating on the review-aggregating site Rotten Tomatoes and ComicBook.com's Kofi Outlaw said that it was "epic and deeply harrowing."

Becher-Wilkinson seemed to agree with most of the fans, saying she though the series was "too big to fail."

"The reviews were so overwhelmingly positive that I thought there was no way they would cancel it," she mentioned. "I don't know how well it does on Netflix or anything like that...[but] it was surprising to me they would cancel something that was so well received."

"I thought it was too big to fail."

Are you still surprised that Daredevil was canceled after three seasons/ Where do you think the show goes now, if anywhere? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

All three seasons of Daredevil are now streaming on Netflix.