Robert Downey Jr. Takes a Shot at Ryan Reynolds Ahead of Fantasy Football Matchup

It's week nine of the fantasy football season and there are some big matchups in the star-studded [...]

It's week nine of the fantasy football season and there are some big matchups in the star-studded AGBO Superhero Fantasy Football League. Of course, that means that some of your favorite Marvel actors are popping up on social media to trash talk their opponents ahead of their games this weekend. Iron Man star Robert Downey Jr. is going up against Deadpool's Ryan Reynolds in a must-win matchup, and he's already taken to Instagram with a jab at the Merc with a Mouth.

"Robert Downey Jr. here, part of the AGBO Superhero Fantasy Football League," Downey says in the video. "I'm playing for Sacred Hearts, which is a rehabilitation from substance issues. Crazy about that. We're playing Ryan Reynolds this week. And I'm not a smack talker. I'm not gonna say 'Ryan eat my pigskin' or any of that stuff. Honestly, I'm praying for ya [awkward laugh]. I wish you the best of luck. We'll see ya on the field my brother. We're all in this together."

Downey's message sounds nice enough, but the real bite is at the very end. After he says "We're all in this together," Downey's face turns into a bit of a snarl and he whispers under his breath, "Eat me!"

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All the best this weekend brother @vancityreynolds ... #agbosuperheroleague #eatme

A post shared by Robert Downey Jr. Official (@robertdowneyjr) on

Downey will need all of the help he can get this week, both in trash talk and fantasy football. As we all know, Ryan Reynolds is perhaps the best trash talker on the entire planet, but what most weren't aware of until this year is that he's also a fantastic fantasy football manager. There are 14 people playing in the AGBO Superhero Fantasy Football League and Reynolds is one of just two with a nearly-perfect 7-1 record. He and Chris Hemsworth sit on top of the standings of the league, one game ahead of 6-2 Miles Teller. Downey is towards the bottom of the league with a record of 3-5.

The three teams tied for last place in the AGBO league are Elizabeth Olsen, Joe Russo, and Michael B. Jordan, each sitting at 2-6. Downey is hoping to separate himself from the bottom half with a big win against Reynolds this weekend.

Do you think Robert Downey Jr. will be able to pull off the upset this weekend? Let us know in the comments!

You can keep up with the entire AGBO Superhero Fantasy Football League here.