Tom Holland Says Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield Are Not in Spider-Man 3

Tom Holland is firmly denying the rumors of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield reprising their [...]

Tom Holland is firmly denying the rumors of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield reprising their roles as Spider-Man from previous Spider-Man movie franchises for his Spider-Man 3 set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The film, which is a joint adventure between Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios, has been the subject of rumors, reports, and speculation for months as the Marvel movie world is poised to open up a multiverse. With Jamie Foxx and Alfred Molina most reliably sourced as part of the film (in one instance, an actor has confirmed it), the Maguire and Garfield rumors remain vague. Holland is now shutting them down.

Holland is currently making his rounds to promote Cherry, a film which is drastically different from his Marvel work but reunites him with Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame directors Anthony Russo and Joe Russo, nonetheless. In promoting the film's upcoming release, he has inevitably been fielding questions about the upcoming Spidey threequel. Now, he has been outright asked if he is starring alongside other Spider-Man actors.

"No, no, they will not be appearing in this film," Holland tells Esquire. "Unless they have hidden the most massive piece of information from me, which I think is too big of a secret for them to keep from me. But as of yet, no. It'll be a continuation of the Spider-Man movies that we've been making."

While the reaction from Marvel fans will be to claim Holland is lying (it wouldn't be the first time an actor did this as a means to preserve a secret or spoiler), Holland also admits that the Marvel titles do make an effort to misdirect their casts. This is a tactic to prevent them from having so much information that they spill it to the press or fans, as Mark Ruffalo did ahead of Avengers: Infinity War when he revealed half off the characters die about a year before the movie released.

"They do it all the time," Holland explained "In [Endgame], Robert Downey Jr.'s funeral scene, for the longest time I was under the impression that it was a wedding. I'm 100 percent sure that they're still tricking me." Now, we're all left to wonder, if he is certain he is being tricked about the other actors not being in the film, then they are in the film? Whatever the case may be, might be best to leave it up to a surprise for the movie, if that's possible anymore.

Do you want to see Spider-Man 3 bring back Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and other members of previous Spider-Man movie casts? Share your thoughts in the comment section or send them my way on Instagram!

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