What If Marvel Characters Used Facebook

Facebook has become a much bigger part of many people's lives over the past few years, and if the [...]

Facebook has become a much bigger part of many people's lives over the past few years, and if the Marvel Universe had access to it, it wouldn't be much different.

A new video from The Warp Zone illustrates that point quite accurately. Take the Avengers for instance. Sure, Thor is busy trying to protect his people and the realm of Asgard from frost giants and random invasions, but his off time is filled with the same things ours are. Issues with family and relationships with friends and girlfriends. The former being his mischevious brother Loki, who capitalizes on his gullibility on a regular basis.

Marvel Facebook
(Photo: The Warp Zone)

Or take Iron Man, who is still a bit salty towards Captain America for that whole "your best friend killed my parents" thing. Not that I can really blame him, but like most friends you follow on the social media service, they can't help but discuss their issues with each other on a public forum, leading to some dramatic exchanges that you just can't help but follow with bag of popcorn in hand.

Also, no one listen to Batman. It's a terrible suggestion, and not everyone's mother is named Martha. Evidently he thinks that it's the duct tape of superhero drama.

It also shows just how powerful the unfriend button has become, but in Kilgrave's case, we all know he had it coming. Also, it should be pointed out that the poke button was always a terrible idea, and it hasn't gotten any better with age.

Seriously, no one does that.

You can watch the entire video above, and you can find more of their work on their Youtube page.