Captain America 4 Star Anthony Mackie to Direct First Film, About Civil Rights Pioneer Claudette Colvin

Marvel star Anthony Mackie is making his directorial debut with a movie about Civil Rights pioneer Claudette Colvin. Spark is the title of the project and Deadline reports that Saniyya Sidney from King Richard will be playing the main heroine. An unsung figure from the Civil Rights era, Colvin was a teenager who helped garner attention for the Montgomery Bus Boycott down in Alabama. While Rosa Parks is commonly credited as the figure who defined that moment in history. However, Colvin's legacy has been rehabilitated in recent years because of people becoming aware of her story. (There's an excellent segment from Comedy Central's Drunk History about the Civil Rights pioneer that serves as a quick catchup on the entire situation.) For his part, Mackie is thrilled to be bringing this story to the big screen.

"Not only was I moved, I was inspired," he said. "It's great to be a superhero in movies but she's a real live one living amongst us and I'm honored to tell her story."

"67 years ago, when history glued me to the seat of that bus in Montgomery, I could never have imagined that standing up for my rights could spark a movement that would change the course of history," Colvin said. "It is really an honor to have my story retold, by Mr. Mackie, for future generations to learn about our past so they can move forward knowing that progress is possible, and things do get better. I hope my story will inspire youth to continue to fight for civil rights and human dignity."Drunk History host Derek Waters was drawn to Colvin's story and the second season episode about her plight is a high-water mark for the series. "There are so many inspiring people we just never heard about," Waters told The Smithsonian Magazine. "It gives me chills just thinking about it."

Make it with Gravy productions is helping with Spark. Mansa Productions and Mandalay pictures are also teaming with Ambergreen Entertainment. Mackie is bringing back some of his team from The Banker, including writer Nicole R. Levy. People familiar with the Civil Rights moment will be happy to hear the Colvin's family is working with the production. In fact, they've acquired the rights to Phillip Hoose's Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice.

Are you excited to see what Mackie can do in the director's chair? Let us know down in the comments!