Captain America: The Winter Soldier Writer: Showdown With Batman vs. Superman Probably Won't Happen

Appearing on the red carpet at Captain America: The Winter Soldier's premiere, the film's writers [...]

Captain America vs. The Winter Soldier

Appearing on the red carpet at Captain America: The Winter Soldier's premiere, the film's writers -- who have been retained for Captain America 3 -- told The Hollywood Reporter that they doubt the next film will really share a release date with Batman vs. Superman, setting up a DC-versus-Marvel showdown that has fanboys buzzing and exhibitors worried. Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely said that they have already started working on the third installment, although it's early days. "We've had many, many conversations, and pretty much know where we're going," said Markus. Asked about the release date clash, Markus didn't say that Marvel would move (as most have predicted, since Batman vs. Superman is widely considered a lock to take its opening weekend by a significant margin) or declare that they wouldn't (as studio head Kevin Feige did, kicking off the perceived feud). He did, however, admit that Captain America 3 is tentatively set to square off with Batman vs. Superman on that date, confirming what had previously been just rumors that it was the Captain America sequel that Marvel would slot into the "Unknown Marvel Studios feature" that weekend. He still doesn't believe the opening-weekend crossover battle will happen, though. "I think when two cars drive at each other, somebody has to veer off eventually," Markus said. Captain America: The Winter Soldier will be in U.S. theaters on April 4.