Since it aired last weekend, the Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base sketch from Saturday Night Live has been near-omnipresent on social media — and its popularity has already started to extend beyond that cousin you never see spouting off memorable lines on Facebook.
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Indeed, talented fans have already started creating “Matt the Radar Tech” toys and sharing photos online, celebrating Adam Driver’s memorable turn as the emotionally-stunted Kylo Ren live from New York.
Slashgear did a pretty good job of tracking a number of them down, complete with the names of the original artists.
You can check them out below.
The standard figure was mocked up by Jim Heston, via Live for Films. He does sell custom figures, so kep your eyes peeled.
This riff on the Black Series 6-inch tall figure was mocked up by Jawa Swap Meet, who have also developed a t-shirt that’s actually for sale on their site featuring the character.
This one’s a Scott Tolleson and 2BitHack collaboration, and while it doesn’t look like one of the main-line Star Wars figures, the packaging is reminiscent of those figures that are hitting Target and specialty stores, evocative of ’80s Kenner toys and including movies like Fight Club and Rocky and TV shows like Arrow and The Flash. SpankyStokes is actually selling these at some point soon — in an ultra-limited run of 30 figures for $65 apiece plus shipping.