Guardians Of The Galaxy Viral Site Offers Galaxy Getaways

Marvel Studios has launched a Guardians of the Galaxy viral site in the form of a corporate [...]

Marvel Studios has launched a Guardians of the Galaxy viral site in the form of a corporate website for intergalactic travel agency Galaxy Getaways.

The website allows fans to explore three of the major locations from the film: Xandar, the home planet of the Nova Corps, Morag, the remote planet where Star-Lord and Korath the Accuser have their run-in, and Knowhere, the Collector's bustling urban metropolis where anything goes.

There's a street view feature that lets fans take a firsthand look at these exotic planets, and even an "I Am Groot" game where you use street view to, basically, play hide-and-seek with Groot.

You can also make your own intergalactic passport. It's a pretty fun little diversion that definitely conveys the tone they've been trying to set for the film so far.

Guardians of the Galaxy opens in theaters August 1.