Marvel Studios Developed Hawkeye as a Solo Movie Before It Was a Disney+ Series

Once upon a time, Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) was set to get his own film franchise or, at the very [...]

Once upon a time, Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) was set to get his own film franchise or, at the very least, his own solo movie. Now that Disney+ has come to fruition, however, that film has now been converted into a long-form television series with a sizable film budget. The Hawkeye film report comes from THR, which suggests Marvel Studios had originally drawn up the film long before Disney+ was revealed.

The latest news confirms a years-old report that Kevin Feige and his team were exploring ways on how to put more focus on other Avengers characters that had yet to get their own franchise.

The Hawkeye Disney+ show started production shortly after Thanksgiving and continues on sound stages in and around Atlanta. Right at the height of the holiday season, Renner himself teased the Christmas-time nature of the series.

"Thank you NYC for some Christmas memories," the Hawkeye star shared on his Instagram page in December.

Despite being relegated to Disney+ from theaters, Marvel Studios is very much treating its television shows just like it would theatrical releases.

"We're treating our shows as if we're making our features," Hawkeye producer Trinh Tran previously told of the production value behind Disney+ shows. "I mean, the feel and the quality of those TV shows are going to be like the Marvel movies that you've seen. So that's always been [Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige]'s mindset of let's make sure that when people are going to be watching these episodes, it's going to feel like it's just one long movie except rather than two-and-a-half hours, it's going to be much longer. And the idea behind certain characters getting their shows is because we'll have a lot more time to be able to develop these characters rather than the shorter."

Hawkeye is set for release later this year. If you haven't signed up for Disney+ yet, you can try it out here.

What other characters do you hope to see pop up in the Disney+ show? Let us know your thoughts either in the comments section or by hitting our writer @AdamBarnhardt up on Twitter to chat all things MCU!

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