There has been lots of talk about if Iron Man 3 will be Robert Downey Jr.’s last film as Tony Stark. Robert Downey Jr.’s contract is reportedly up with Iron Man 3, and many have wondered if Disney/Marvel Studios will do what it takes to get him under contract for more movies.In an interview with Premiere magazine (French version), Iron Man 3 director Shane Black weighed in on what he thinks the future holds for the Iron Man franchise and Robert Downey Jr. When asked if he approached Iron Man 3 as the third part of a trilogy, Shane Black said, “It is always difficult to deal with a third party. Your job is first to answer this question: what remains to tell this story? The challenge is that your film is not just a new episode of the adventures of Iron Man, but the continuation of something, a new chapter had to be told. This is the problem that I had felt with Lethal Weapon 3 and 4. Happened in the fourth, one felt they had nothing to tell. The film was more like an episode of TV series. I have the feeling that the story that we have developed for Iron Man 3 actually concluded a trilogy. While leaving the door open to a fourth …”In regards to rumors of Robert Downey Jr. hanging up the armor after Iron Man 3, Shane Black said, “Something tells me that it will not be the case, and will be seen in a fourth, or fifth … But I can be a little excited.”As far as what to expect from Robert Downey Jr. in Iron Man 3, Shane Black said, “There are plenty of moments in the film, you will see where Robert is freed from scenario to invent something completely unexpected. He remained the actor hyper intuitive, fun and unpredictable. “Iron Man 3 is set to be released in movie theaters in the United States on May 3, 2013.
Iron Man 3 Director Shane Black Hints Iron Man 4 And 5 For Robert Downey Jr.
There has been lots of talk about if Iron Man 3 will be Robert Downey Jr.’s last film as Tony […]