Man of Steel: I Will Find Him

While fans are awaiting a trailer to be released and a possible presentation at the MTV Movie [...]

Man Of Steel Billboard

While fans are awaiting a trailer to be released and a possible presentation at the MTV Movie Awards, the Man of Steel outdoor advertising campaign has begun with the same static-infused messages popping up on billboards. David Poland spotted the two of these--the first, obviously, the Man of Steel iteration of the Superman chest emblem, while the second is a sequence of Kryptonian numbers. When decoded the Kryptonian numbers are When entered into a browser as a web address, the numbers redirect to which points to the Warner Bros. home page. The web address is likely for a viral website that has not yet launched. What does "I Will Find Him" mean? Well, it could be Zod searching for Kal-El (Superman) or it could be Lois Lane searching for Clark Kent. One of the images released for Man Of Steel shows Lois Lane carrying around a photo of Clark Kent like she is hunting for him.

Man Of Steel Billboard