Man of Steel's Clark Kent Glasses Found? Kind Of...

Warby Parker is selling a line of Man of Steel-inspired eyeglasses (yes, you can have your [...]

Clark Kent's glassesWarby Parker

is selling a line of Man of Steel-inspired eyeglasses (yes, you can have your prescription put in them) for a fairly reasonable $95 apiece with $15 going to a children's literacy charity. The horn-rimmed glasses are reminiscent of the ones that Clark Kent has traditionally been known to wear...but which he hasn't yet been seen sporting in any of the promotional material for Man of Steel. When we spotted the glasses line (alright, Warners gave it to Time, which they own), it predictably piqued our curiousity since many fans have been speculating that we might not see the "traditional" Clark Kent in this movie, which seems to be more equivalent to Batman Begins than to any existing Superman movie and which therefore could end with Clark finally resolving his two identities--mild-mannered reporter and "Superman," another word we haven't yet heard in any of the trailers. In addition to the product line itself, there's a pretty cool video introduction in the link at top, where WP gives fans a brief history lesson on Krypton, Superman and his powers.