Paramount's CinemaCon Presentation Recap: TMNT 2, Star Trek & More

To kick off the 2016 Cinema Con at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, Paramount took over the Coliseum [...]


To kick off the 2016 Cinema Con at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, Paramount took over the Coliseum to show off their upcoming slate of films.

Outside, the coliseum was plastered with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles: Out of the Shadows posters and statues, as well as Star Trek: Beyond, Ben-Hur, and a few others. As the presentation continues, we will update this article, so stay tuned!


The audience is sent to their seats as the presentation is "about to begin." (6:32 PM PT)

The lights go down and the presentation begins with a sizzle reel plays, highlighting scenes from film's taking place in Las Vegas, especially Caesar's Palace. Frank Sinatra's "This Town" accompanies the reel, comprised heavily of The Hangover, before "Who Let The Dogs Out" takes over. "A Little Less Converation" plays to conclude the final scenes, which include Robert Downey Jr., Kevin Hart, Tom Cruise, Jon Favreau and many more. Todd Phillips, director of The Hangover, delivers a message about Las Vegas and introduces CinemaCon head Mitch Neuhauser to the stage. (6:46 PM PT)

Neuhauser thanks the studios for their work and this week and specifically Warner Brothers. He runs down some of the new technologies which will be on display and thanks Coca-Cola for being a sponsor. He reminds everyone not to take photos or video of the exclusive footage which will be shown. He goes on to tell a story about working at a movie theater and the dedication required to do such a job and introduced the woman he is talking about: Evelina Schubarth. (6:54 PM PT)

Holding updates until Paramount's presentation beings... (7:01 PM PT)

John Fithian, head of NATO, takes the stage to present the Triumph Award to Tim Warner. (7:10 PM PT)

Neuhauser returns to introduce the Vice Chairman of Paramount, Rob Moore, who enters to "Money Maker" by Ludacris. (7:16 PM PT)

During a wi-fi cut out, footage for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows, Ben-Hur, and Jack Reacher: Never Go Back played. Descriptions coming up in a bit.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles trailer can be seen here.

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back footage description: Sirens ring out over the logos. People surround a man who is badly injured in the street. One spectator tells the officer one guy took them out and he is still in the diner. The cop finds Jack Reacher drinking coffee inside. He tells him he's looking at 10 to 20 years for aggravated assault. Jack tells them two things will happen. The phone will ring and then the cop will be wearing the cuffs on his way to prison. The cop laughs it off - until the phone rings. Elsewhere, Jack kills two men through a car window. Cobie Smulders joins Jack and they run from authorities. He tells someone over the phone that he's going to hunt for them and they'll have to run. He blows a bunch of stuff up. Cobie drive him, wearing an army uniform, and questions why she believes Jack is actually enjoying all of this.

Ben-Hur footage description: Boats clash at sea. "No matter where you're from, this ship is your body!" their leader calls out. One boat crashes into another with a man strapped to the front of it. TMost of the men, slaves, drown. One finds land and Morgan Freeman. He is Ben-Hur. Bencher claims to have been betrayed by his own brother. Rodrigo Santoro appears, telling Ben God has a plan. Ben's brother is nearly killed. Morgan Freeman insist, there is a way to find justice. Chariots do battle in the Coliseum. Morgan Freeman warns Ben of the dangers but tells him that if he defeats his brothers, he wins Rome and people will follow him. JustGates in the Coliseum open and chariots race. Men are killed as they break and horses trip. A packed Coliseum cheers men are run over by the other chariots. and crashing into walls. It comes down to Ben and his brother. Ben falls from his chariot but holds on as his brother taunts him.

Jeremy Renner and Amy Adams introduce footage from Story Of Your Life. (7:51 PM PT)

Story Of Your Life footage description: Amy describes the day "they" arrived. She teaches an empty college class. A student gets some shocking news. A new report shows off the "objects" that landed. Whitaker asks her enters her office and asks her to translate a recording of aliens. Someone asks why they are here and the response is animalistic. Renner, in a helicopter, tells Adams how important language is. His name is Ian. They're headed to "the ship." The ship stands very tall, shaped like an over, levitating about 50 feet off the ground in a big green field. They put on orange haz mat suits and head inside, where they find a bright white light. Some aliens, which can hardly be seen but look like flying octopuses, approach from the light. Adams wants to communicate with them. She puts her hand on glass and a tentacle hits the other. News reports claim that the aliens may be trying to pit humans against each other. Much discussion of language ensues. Adams insists that if the aliens stay, the humans have to stay. Things get chaotic, explosions, the ship falls from the the scar, Renner to a window. (7:56 PM PT)

Moore introduces Vin Diesel. Diesel is here via a pre-recorded message from the set in Toronto. He introduces his co-star and his director. He regets not making it to CinemaCon but he's excited about xXx 3 and thanks everyone in the room for their help with his success. (8:00 PM PT)

Moore introduces Simon Pegg, who will present JJ Abrams the CinemaCon Showman of the Year Award. (8:01 PM PT)

A sizzle reel plays to introduce JJ Abrams to the stage. Abrams delivers a speech, comparing TV and movies. At the movies, we are the kids, he says, because we can't change it and when it does its job, we follow it emotionally. He looked up to the movies growing up. After reflecting on his love for movies and thanking the theater owners in the room for their great work. (8:12 PM PT)

To conclude the presentation, Moore introduces a look at 2017's Baywatch, which he says The Rock has everyone working out for so it will be the best looking movie ever. The Rock takes the screen and hypes up Baywatch and calls it the most bad-ass team ever. Zac Efron comes in and calls himself the best lifeguard on the beach. The rest of the cast joins one at a time. The Rock promises global success before introducing the secret weapon: Ronnie. Ronnie says he's not in the movie for his body but also "sex stuff." The Rock promises that the whole team will at CinemaCon next year. He concludes with "This is our beach bitch!"

Baywatch footage description: The Rock dives into some water. Later, Efron runs up with some donuts and some f-words. The Rock criticizes him, saying Little Johnny died because he was late. No one likes how he calls time in miltary hours. Parties flash by, Efron checks Daddario's boobs and gets called out. Rock and Efron have a exercise contest, flipping tiress. The whole gang goes to parties, rides motorcycles, hang out on boats, and find "something fishy" involving drugs. It basically looks like Fast & Furious at sea, especially with the logos designs.

That concludes Paramount's panel.

------ will be at CinemaCon all week long, so stay tuned for additional coverage!