The King's Man Release Date Pushed Back

Another dam of release date changes has broken, with a number of studios adjusting their [...]

Another dam of release date changes has broken, with a number of studios adjusting their theatrical slate for 2021 as the coronavirus pandemic continues to see theaters around the world closed, which includes Disney delaying The King's Man from its planned March 12th release date to August 20th. The film was originally slated to hit theaters last year, only to earn multiple delays, and while vaccinations for the coronavirus are currently being distributed around the world, it's still relatively unknown when theaters will be able to resume operations at their full capacity, yet things surely won't be back to any sense of normalcy in just six weeks.

With The King's Man being a property Disney acquired during their purchase of 20th Century Fox, it's also possible that the studio could ultimately opt to debut the film on one of their streaming services if it appears that there will be even more delays in the future. However, when movie theaters do resume operations, audiences and theaters alike will be craving new content, with The King's Man potentially being one of the films that will hopefully lure audiences back to seeing movies on the big screen.

This new film serves as a prequel to the previous two films, though director Matthew Vaughn previously detailed that the film could plant the seeds for what to expect in the upcoming Kingsman 3.

"We've put seeds for what's going to happen in Kingsman 3 all the way back into this," Vaughn teased to Empire previously. "And it's going to be very different."

A familiar slogan within the franchise is the notion that "manners maketh the man," which Vaughn claims we would learn more about in the upcoming The King's Man.

"We will in some ways. We'll discover why manners maketh man," Vaughn shared with at New York Comic-Con in 2019. "We'll discover why one of my favorite lines in the new film is 'reputation is what people think you are, character is who you are.' It's got a lot of what I'll call home truths for our modern society that would be good to remember." The director added, "It's an allegory of...World War I happened due to some crazy politicians and political movements that got out of control. Everybody thought there couldn't be a war, and then it happened. We're living in a crazy time right now."

The King's Man is now set to hit theaters on August 20th.

Are you disappointed by this delay? Let us know in the comments below!