Whoopi Goldberg Working On Making Sister Act 3 Happen

You can't talk mention Whoopi Goldberg and not think of some of her classic films, and that of [...]

You can't talk mention Whoopi Goldberg and not think of some of her classic films, and that of course includes the delightful Sister Act series. Sister Act and its sequel Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit are Goldberg staples and have only become more fondly remembered since their initial release. The original Sister Act released in 1992, and Sister Act 2 quickly followed in 1993. Both were big hits, but for some reason, we never got another followup in the series. Thanks to a new interview on The Late Late Show with James Corden, Goldberg says there might finally be a Sister Act 3 on the way all these years later, and she's trying to make it happen.

Corden brought up the first two movies, saying if they come on television he is instantly watching the whole thing. He then asked Goldberg why there wasn't ever a Sister Act 3, and that's when Goldberg revealed that studios often said no one wanted to see it.

"For a long time, they kept saying no one wanted to see it. And then quite recently, it turns out, that that may not be true," Goldberg said. "People may want to see it. So we're working diligently to try to figure out how to get the gang together and come back."

Corden was all in on a sequel, and Goldberg has a fondness for the movies as well. "It's a really fun movie and it feels good," Goldberg said. "And you know, nobody's mad. It's just, listen—bad singing, great singing, okay singing and then nuns. What's better than that?"

Sister Act 1 and 2 featured several connecting characters between films, as Delores would befriend Sister Mary Patrick (Kathy Najimy), Sister Mary Lazarus (Mary Wickes), and Sister Mary Robert (Wendy Makkena), as well as Mother Superior (Maggie Smith). We could also see Father Ignatius (Michael Jeter) return, though sadly Wickes passed away in 1995.

There are also a lot of other characters from those two films that could show up, and it remains to be seen what the premise would be for a third movie, though we know people would definitely be interested in seeing this band of characters return to the big screen.

What would you want to see in Sister Act 3? Let us know in the comments!