Avengers NOW!: Will Ant-Man Finally Get a Solo Comic?

Along with Doctor Strange, Ant-Man will be coming to theaters soon (and likely coming in some [...]

Along with Doctor Strange, Ant-Man will be coming to theaters soon (and likely coming in some form to Comic Con International: San Diego next week). And like Doctor Strange, the character hasn't had his own solo title in quite some time.

That's quite a difference from the other characters on the newly-revealed Avengers NOW! image, who -- excepting Angela, who was just heavily featured in an Original Sin miniseries; Scarlet Witch, who appears all over the place and is only likely to get a higher profile as Avengers: Age of Ultron draws closer; and a pair of Inhumans who have what's basically a team book going on -- all have their own titles. That some people think Angela will be the new Thor and others believe she won't, but will get her own title anyway, narrows the field even further.

So...what's an Ant-Man gotta do to get his own title these days?

It's hard to imagine he hasn't already done it. Both Ant-Man and Doctor Strange are titles that have been teased quite a bit lately, and with a new Avengers-themed initiative and movies in active development, it's nearly impossible to imagine that they won't be announced soon.

There's also another thing going on with Ant-Man that most other characters don't have: there's reportedly an already-complete miniseries by a pair of really terrific creators that has been sitting on a shelf for ten years.

That's the miniserises that gives us the covers staggered throughout this story, which hails from writer Daniel Way and artist Clayton Crain (who's currently selling out Rai every month for Valiant). It's one of those books that seemingly fell into limbo, and it's entirely possible that it's either not dont or at least not publishable for some reason not easily foreseen.

Who might do such a series? Well, there is a running joke between Marvel's Axel Alonso and his buddies at Comic Book Resources that perhaps Warren Ellis could take on the book.

"Warren is taking a bit of a breather in 2012, but he assures me he intends to write more for us once his schedule frees up," Alonso told a fan who asked what was next for the writer way back when Ellis left Secret Avengers. "Thus far, he has politely declined my offer to redefine the science of the Marvel Universe in the pages of an all-new Ant-Man ongoing series -- 'Ant-Man is bull$#$,' I think he said -- but I haven't given up hope."

Well, Ellis DID just leave Moon Knight...!