Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Chloe Bennet Claims To Have Been Guessing Blue Alien Was A Kree

Two days ago, we reported that Chloe Bennett, who stars as Skye on “Marvel’s Agents of [...]

Blue Alien Agents of SHIELD

Two days ago, we reported that Chloe Bennett, who stars as Skye on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," had confirmed that the mysterious blue alien seen at the end of the "T.A.H.I.T.I." episode was of Kree origin. The actress is now backtracking from those statements, saying on Twitter:

"Sooo I never "confirmed" that the alien was a Kree I said that's one of my guesses as a FAN! I'm still guessing like all of you!"

So, maybe not? The actress certainly didn't sound like she was guessing when she made the statement. Here's her quote again:

"I know that the alien was a Kree…and I know that I was injected with serum made from that and that I am cured and, to normal humans like Coulson, he almost died, but for me, for some reason, nothing happened."

She doesn't say she thinks, or that she's guessing. She says that she knows. If you watch the video, she even sounds like she mumbles something about how everybody knows, as if its common knowledge. She then goes on to say that she's been researching the Kree in order to understand them better…why would she be doing that if she didn't know, for certain, that the alien was a Kree? Especially when, unlike the fans she's comparing herself to, she has access to the people who could tell her whether or not she's wasting her time on a hunch. It sounds more like Bennett accidentally let something slip that she thought had already been revealed. Its an innocent mistake. Obviously, we could be wrong. Maybe the creature isn't a Kree and Bennett really did just make a guess. We won't know for sure until the aliens' origin is revealed on the show. "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." returns April 1 on ABC.