Ant-Man Teaser Trailer Blown Up To Larger Size

Well, that didn’t take long. After existing on the Internet for only a few hours, the “ant [...]


Well, that didn't take long. After existing on the Internet for only a few hours, the "ant sized" teaser for Marvel Studios' Ant-Man teaser trailer has already been enlarged to a more human size.

Unfortunately, the blown-up version doesn't come with a quality to match the scale. The video, which was posted to YouTube, is extremely pixelated and still doesn't reveal much. Early in the clip, it looks like Paul Rudd's Scott Lang being escorted by uniformed men, presumably officers, but that's about it.

You can check out the larger version below.

Here's another version, which isn't blown up quite as much, but is a little bit less blurry.

The normal sized (and quality) version of the Ant-Man teaser will air on January 6th, during Agent Carter's series premiere on ABC.