Bandai Namco Teases New Dragon Ball Z Videogame Announcement

A new Dragon Ball Z game will be announced Tuesday, and with a teaser site like [...]


A new Dragon Ball Z game will be announced Tuesday, and with a teaser site like "" it sure seems like it'll be a game that spans the entire timeframe of the Dragon Ball Universe

The website launched Monday from Bandai Namco with a countdown timer that ends at 10am EDT, so expect official news tomorrow morning.

The list of Dragon Ball videogames is a long one, though there have only been two for modern consoles, with Dragon Ball: Xenoverse (that also came out for the previous generation) and the PlayStation 4 and Vita exclusive J-Stars Victory Vs that featured some DBZ characters alongside other popular anime and manga stars.

2016 marks the 30th anniversary of Dragon Ball in animated form (the comic initially ran for two years prior), so it would make sense to have a full journey-spanning game hit this year.