Batman V Superman: Dawn fo Justice Set Photos Reveal Gotham City Jail

Tim Malin and Tim Reinman, a pair of Detroit natives and some of the most prolific Batman V [...]

Tim Malin and Tim Reinman, a pair of Detroit natives and some of the most prolific Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice set spies, have revealed that the Gotham City Jail will be the setting for some of the film.

Yesterday, Malin seemingly set up what was coming with these tweets:

Today, the pair managed to get much closer...

Of course, if there's anything that everyone wonders -- especially with Gotham on the air in the fall -- it's whether scenes at the Gotham Police Department might mean famous faces like Commissioner Jim Gordon, Detectives Harvey Bullock, Renee Montoya and others like them popping up in the film.

It seems unlikely they would be major players in the film, anyway, since even characters like Alfred have been announced as they were cast...but then again, Warners still hasn't officially acknowledged that they've cast Aquaman or named any number of actors playing minor roles in the film, so it's difficult to be sure.

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is due in theaters on March 25, 2016.