Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Trailer: Five Questions Raised

The Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer is out...and it's a little baffling.Light on plot [...]


The Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer is out...and it's a little baffling.

Light on plot and heavy on establishing tone, mood and the world the movie takes place in, the trailer leaves fans with a lot of unanswered questions, even before you get to the big picture "How does this lead to the Justice League?" stuff.

So...what are the biggest things we want to know?

Who are all the voices?

We have some answers; Bill Moyers, Lex Luthor, Neil DeGrasse Tyson...but who else were they, and what was the forum where they were voicing their opinions about Superman?

superman-cultWhat's going on with those soldiers?

It certainly looks like there's a cult dedicated to Superman in this film. Check out the S-shields on their shoulders.

This isn't new ground; we've seen it more than once in the comics, particularly notable in The Kingdom (the follow-up to Kingdom Come) and 52.

...But why would Superman's followers dress up like storm troopers and hide underground? And why would he come see them and humor their craziness?

This could play into the next question...


Who built the Superman statue?

Yeah, okay, so he saved a ton of lives. But we've seen in real life the level of toxic rage leveled at Superman for not doing more, not doing it differently, etc. -- and that's without the baggage of a terrified populace realizing for the first time that we aren't alone in the universe...and that some of the visitors could be incredibly powerful and dangerous.

So...who built that statue? Certainly it couldn't be "a grateful city," as it would never fly to use tax dollars for that. Given its location and size, the next obvious choice would be Luthor, who would have the funds and (heh...) waterfront real estate...but why would he do it?


Is that really Batman with the "Do you bleed?" line?

Many fans have asked us whether we think it's really Batman who delivers the "do you bleed? You will" lines. Honestly, we hadn't thought about it but it presents a really interesting question: Who else's lines might they be dubbing over the scene?

What the hell are they fighting about?

The biggest question of the night so far. Since this is all about setting the stage and establishing the world of the film, it's given us absolutely nothing to work with in terms of what might actually be the big bone of contention these two big dogs are fighting over.