Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice's Superman Poster Parodies Go Viral

With the release this week of the first official look at Henry Cavill's Superman in Batman V [...]

With the release this week of the first official look at Henry Cavill's Superman in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, the Internet (as it is wont to do) decided that what the photo really needed was a little Photoshop.

Gathered from around the Internet, including social media pages from Marvel artist Scott Johnson, who says he "fixed it":

...And former Supergirl artist Jamal Igle, currently working for Action Lab, who had similar ideas:

The most popular one, though, is probably the variation at top, where he's cuddling Affleck's Batman, or the one below -- where he's bringing a little good cheer to Gotham:

(Anybody who has a source on those, feel free to pass it along! We were handed them off by readers.)