Batman V Superman Director Says Wonder Woman Does The Cool Stuff In The Film

Wonder Woman should be held up right alongside Superman and Batman as central pillars of the DC [...]


Wonder Woman should be held up right alongside Superman and Batman as central pillars of the DC Universe, and that is exactly what director of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Zack Synder intends to bring to the big screen.

Snyder loves the idea of The Trinity in the DCU, as he told Today Online.

"I am a big fan of The Trinity, which is Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. It's a concept that I've always loved," he said. "And I remember in one of my early sketchbooks on this movie, even before we had Wonder Woman (on board), I drew The Trinity. And I was like, 'That's cool'."

He also spoke about Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot's role in the film, and that her status as a bit of an outsider leads to her being able to cut loose action wise.

"The one thing that Wonder Woman does get the opportunity to do, because she's not as deeply intertwined in the story, is the cool stuff," he said. "Like when you just get to show up and be cool, that's pretty much what she gets to do."

Tis the way it should be.

I'm glad that Snyder holds her in such reverence, and it's about time.

You'll be able to see her in action on March 25th, when Batman V Superman releases nationwide.

via Today Online