Benedict Cumberbatch Sends Heartfelt Letter To Family Of Sherlock Superfan Who Passed Away

Benedict Cumberbatch, the star of BBC’s Sherlock, went out of his way to offer comfort to the [...]


Benedict Cumberbatch, the star of BBC's Sherlock, went out of his way to offer comfort to the grieving family of one of his biggest fans.

Eve Shepherd, a 14-year-old Sherlock "superfan," died on February 1 from breathing complications, and a funeral was held on Monday. Cumberbatch was not able to attend, as he was busy filming Sherlock, but he did send the family a letter.

"I send my deepest sympathies to Eve's family," Cumberbatch wrote, according to THR. "To lose someone so young who fought for her health all her life must be beyond endurance. … I hope they can take solace from the fact that she was clearly much loved and her support of our show is hugely appreciated and shall be remembered."

The letter was read aloud at the funeral, and Cumberbatch signed, "God rest her soul. With all my love and sympathies, Benedict xxx." The funeral concluded with the processional leaving the church as the Sherlock opening theme played.

"She would be so happy about the letter from Benedict," Eve's father, Mark, said. "She was a huge fan."