Chris Pine Is Actually The New Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)?

Did Warner Bros. pull a rope-a-dope against trade reporters by convincing them Chris Pine is up [...]


Did Warner Bros. pull a rope-a-dope against trade reporters by convincing them Chris Pine is up for Wonder Woman love interest Steve Trevor, when in fact he's up for Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) in the DC Cinematic Universe?

Latino Review reports: "The rumors of Pine circling Wonder Woman were actually Pine closing in on the role of Hal Jordan."

Furthermore, Warner Bros. plans to unveil their full Justice League lineup at Comic-Con this year, which will include not one, but two, Green Lanterns: Hal Jordan and John Stewart. While they claim Pine is up for Jordan, they only seem to speculate that Furious 7 actor Tyrese Gibson is the best bet to be Stewart.

Green Lantern arrives in theaters June 19, 2020.

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