Daredevil Season 2 Recap With Spoilers: New York's Finest

A nun tells a young Matt Murdock to stay down and not get up. She rings water from a towel and [...]


A nun tells a young Matt Murdock to stay down and not get up. She rings water from a towel and tends to Matt. Jesus hangs on a cross nearby. The water coming from the towel turns red.

Daredevil wakes up chained to a brick pillar on a roof top. The Punisher is sitting across from him having a drink. "Morning sunshine," he says before the opening credits.

Reyes walks across a dark rooftop with a detective. She overlooks the crime scene The Punisher knew was a set up in the previous episode. Foggy and Karen approach her on the ground level and Karen accuses Reyes of using Grotto as bait. Reyes tells Karen she is out of her league and if she tries to tell anyone what Reyes did it, no one will believe her and Nelson & Murdock will take the fall. Karen is frustrated with Foggy for not backing her up. They split up with plans of their own.

The Punisher stitches himself up and talks to Daredevil but Daredevil doesn't want to talk. He tries to free himself but it's useless. Frank Castle says the only way Daredevil walks free is if he wants him to. Daredevil asks why he's still alive and has his mask on. The Punisher doesn't care who Daredevil is. He uncovers a pallet of ammunition and ignores Daredevil's questions, finally admitting, "I'll do what's required."

The hospital is a madhouse as Foggy walks in. Foggy takes it upon himself to go search the hospital. As he walks through, people argue with one another. Claire Temple explains to a man that he lost his fingers because he chose to attack a club. Foggy grabs Claire's attention and the two go talk privately.

Karen receives a phone call from Grotto. He wants her to shut up and listen to what he needs help with. He claims The Punisher will never stop. He tells her he has his own plan now and he's going to get out while he can.

The Punisher continues to drink from his thermus atop the roof. Daredevil continues his questions and they continue to get ignored. He encourages him to walk away but The Punisher questions whether or not Matt would walk away. The conversation leads to Frank admitting that he was once Catholic and once from New York but he cuts off the questions with, "Stop now, Red. Stop digging." He asks Daredevil if he's ever been to war, and he hasn't so he shouldn't talk about it. The conversation almost gets friendly but Frank isn't impressed. He says soldiers don't wear masks. Frank tells Daredevil what he does in the streets doesn't work. Daredevil starts mocking him and questioning if he's lost someone he loved. The Punisher goes on a rant about people handling loss differently. Daredevil continues his "People don't have to die" pitch and Frank questions if that's why he thinks he's so much better than him. The Punisher reveals he thinks Daredevil is a coward who is one bad day away from being him. Daredevil hears someone coming and Frank threatens to kill the man if Matt makes a sound.

Claire works on a patient and Foggy bugs her about where Daredevil is. She tells him she hasn't seen him. Claire hints that people want Daredevil dead for his work but she won't end up elbow deep in his blood again. She's busy because she helped Luke Cage (in referential words) and got in trouble for it. Foggy pleads with her to help. Claire reveals that something has gangs riled. A man walks into the room and the man Claire stitched up rips the arm off of his bed and beats the other with it.

Frank Castle tells the landlord that he's on top of the building to have a smoke. Daredevil fights to free himself and the landlord hears it. He can't see that The Punisher is holding a gun up to his head behind the open door. They swap a brief war story and the landlord heads back downstairs. Daredevil calls The Punisher, "Frank," and questions why he threatens innocent people. The Punisher has had enough. He walks over to Daredeivl and tells him he is not a bad guy. "I think the people I kill need killing," he claims. Daredevil doesn't agree and he questions what will happen when someone comes for him. The Punisher tells him he's not much different, only he puts guys in jail for a week or a mont hand then they're back on the street doing the same thing. They continue their debate face to face and Frank says the world needs people who can make the hard calls. "You hit them and they get back up. I hit them and they stay down," he says. Daredevil wants to talk about hope but Frank doesn't believe in it. Matt tells Frank he's a nut job and he'll have to kill him to stop him from coming for him because he's insane. Frank laughs and knocks Daredevil out.

Karen approaches a detective in his office and reveals she is there to protect her client. She reveals that she has lots of dirty info on him and Reyes and that Reyes can take go down if people see it, which they will if he doesn't help Karen. He questions where she found it but Karen deflects and asks for protection for Grotto. He tries to claim he can't help but goes on to question how The Punisher files can possibly help. He tells Karen she can't come into his office and threaten his boss. He's going to get security and she will not contact him again. She takes a few folders from the desk on her way out.

The two Hispanic men fight in the hospital, each claiming that the other killed their friends. Foggy explains that if they do something stupid here they won't get help before being charged. He tells them not to fight and to let the hospital people do their jobs and they do. Claire is impressed.

Daredevil wakes, again. He has a gun taped to his hand. The Punisher tells him it's a .357 with one round in the chamber and the only way to stop him is to shoot him in the head. He brings Grotto out and Daredevil tells Frank that he doesn't have any right to kill anyone. Frank tells Grotto to tell Daredevil what happened and how involved he really was. Grotto won't talk until Frank puts a gun to his head. Grotto admits to killing people for the Irish family. He admits to killing an old lady. Daredevil starts asking what he did and Grotto says he had no choice once she saw his face. Daredevil raises his gun but puts it down. The Punisher tells Matt he'll kill Grotto if Daredevil doesn't kill him first.

Claire runs a search on Matt and nothing comes back. Foggy looks at it as no news is good news. Claire assures him, Matt will be fine. Claire compliments Foggy's people skills and admits she wishes things were different between her and Matt. She knows Matt needs Foggy. Foggy tells her he made a mistake when he let her go but she laughs and says, "What makes you think he did?"

The Punisher continues to push Daredevil toward killing. He starts a countdown from five and Daredevil pleads with him not to kill Grotto but he's going too. Daredevil shoots the chain and frees himself. He goes to tackle Frank but Frank shoots Grotto in the heart. Daredevil beats Frank and tries to bring Grotto to a place where he can get help. He uses the chains to pull The Punisher back but not until after he makes the Dogs of Hell's bikes explode. The bikers ready for a fight as Daredevil and The Punisher do battle on the rooftop. The bikers head out the door.

Back at the office, Karen opens an envelope and finds a picture of a dead man with his hand stabbed into a desk.

The Dogs of Hell step outside and The Punisher lights them up under a spotlight. Daredevil cuts him off from shooting them and they had upstairs.

Karen looks at pictures of dead bodies on the floor and takes notes.

The bikers continue upstairs.

Daredevil carries an unconscious Frank Castle out of the building to the elevator. The bikers heard approaching. He gets in and closes the door just as the bikers close in. The landlord steps outside so Daredevil jumps to his aid. He instructs the landlord to go inside and uses the chains still wrapped to his arms to break the lights and begin fighting the bikers. One by one, he takes them out. All the while, the unloaded gun is taped to his hand. The fight ends up going down the stairs, still brawling the bikers one by one. Eventually, about 25 men later, Daredevil finds himself heading down the stairs to the bottom floor where three men are waiting for him. He takes a beating from them. The elevator door opens and Frank Castle is seen unconscious there. Daredevil gets an upper hand and beats them.

Karen continues her note taking. She finds another envelope and inside of it is an x-ray. It's a skull with a bullet hole in it.

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