Deadpool Movie Gets Banned In Uzbekistan

Have you heard? Deadpool is a little bit violent, dirty, and sexual. Don't know if you'd heard [...]


Have you heard? Deadpool is a little bit violent, dirty, and sexual. Don't know if you'd heard that yet.

Because of the pervasive sexual content, nudity, violence, and foul language, Deadpool is finding it hard to be released in some more conservative nations. China will not be showing the movie at all, and in India, it's only being released with some edits and censorship.

Add Uzbekistan to the list of countries that can't see Deadpool in theaters, citing "ethical concerns" according to THR. Guess the 20 million or so adults there will have to make an international trip if they want a little Wade Wilson in their lives (and, you know, little Wade Wilson is probably a part of the problem).

Deadpool is in theaters now - but not in Uzbekistan.