Disney CEO Says All Marvel Characters Exist In A Connected Universe

Yesterday, Comicbook.com reported on how Disney CEO Bob Iger confirmed during a Disney financials [...]

Giant Marvel Cinematic Universe

Yesterday, Comicbook.com reported on how Disney CEO Bob Iger confirmed during a Disney financials webcast that Captain America: The Winter Soldier would be connected to both Avengers: Age of Ultron and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. When we went back today and re-listened to Iger's comments, we realized that what he actually said was far broader. Iger said, "Because all Marvel content and characters exist in a connected universe, this movie [Captain America: The Winter Soldier] also sets some critical events in motion that will lead directly into Avengers: Age of Ultron, and some facets of the story in Captain America: The Winter Soldier will also be reflected in upcoming episodes of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on ABC." While it had already been established that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. existed in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it had been a little unclear if other Marvel projects outside the ABC network would be connected to the movies. It's also interesting that Iger says "Marvel" rather than "Marvel Studios," because his comments could be taken to imply that even the Marvel characters for which Sony Pictures and FOX own the movie rights are connected. Taken literally, Iger's comments confirm that Sony's Amazing Spider-Man and Marvel Studios' The Avengers exist in the same connected universe. Now, it's entirely possible and probably likely that Iger wasn't thinking about Sony or Fox when he made his statement, but even if he meant to specify just Marvel Studios, it's still a pretty big statement. It would confirm what Iron Man 3 writer Drew Pearce recently indicated in an interview that the Netflix Defenders characters are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It would also suggest that Marvel's ongoing strategy will be to make everything connected as they launch new projects.