Early Iron Man 3 International Review Praises Don Cheadle

An early review of Iron Man 3 has surfaced on an international website. The review comes from the [...]

Iron man 3 Don Cheadle Poster

An early review of Iron Man 3 has surfaced on an international website. The review comes from the Italian website Bestmovie.it. While we're not sure if the review is legit, there doesn't appear to be anything in the review that would suggest it's an April Fool's Joke or fake. For the most part, the review doesn't reveal any spoilers and focuses on praising the film. Since the review is in Italian, we've translated it via Google and recapped some of the highlights. According to the reviewer, despite the fact that a bunch of footage has been released for Iron Man 3 in trailers for the movie, there are a lot of overwhelming and unexpected scenes in Iron Man 3. The film reportedly runs two and quarter hours long and includes "spectacular sequences" which most would not have expected to see in the film. Iron Man 3 is also described as possible being the most spectacular movie that Marvel has ever released, including The Avengers. As far as spoilers, there is one minor hint that something may happen to Pepper Potts in the film, but it is not revealed exactly what her fate is. Iron Man 3 is described as being a more serious film that the previous two Iron Man movies. And while Robert Downey Jr. has been a chatter box at times in previous films, he's described as not talking or smiling much in Iron Man 3. However, this turns our to be a good thing as Tony Stark comes across as a haunted and introspective character. Don Cheadle is praised as displaying a lot charisma and deserving of a spin-off movie. Director Shane Black is described as a marketing genius because so much is unexpected in the movie. While the early part of the movie is described as focusing on dialogue, the final half hour is described as having enough action scenes to fill five normal movies. Iron Man 3 is given a 5 out of 5 rating.