Geoff Johns Talks DC's Live-Action TV and Film "Multiverse," Won't Rule Out Eventual TV/Movie Crossover

In a new interview with Buzzfeed, DC Entertainment Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns explained a [...]

In a new interview with Buzzfeed, DC Entertainment Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns explained a little more about DC's approach to making TV and movies.

It's a multiverse, he explained, not unlike what DC has in the comics. And that doesn't mean that there won't eventually be a scenario where a TV show and a movie will cross over -- just that they haven't found reason to do it yet.

And, yes, they thought long and hard about it.

"We look at it as the multiverse," Johns said. "We have our TV universe and our film universe, but they all co-exist. For us, creatively, it's about allowing everyone to make the best possible product, to tell the best story, to do the best world. Everyone has a vision and you really want to let the visions shine through. I think the characters are iconic enough. I like [Marvel's Agents of] S.H.I.E.L.D. a lot. I love what Marvel does. I'm a huge fan. It's just a different approach."

He added, "There's been discussions over the years for both, obviously. You never say never. Maybe one day we'll link a show to a film if it makes sense, but the creative process we're going through right now is to let the stuff live and breathe and be its own thing and own it."

Constantine debuts on Friday night. Gotham airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Fox. The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW, and Arrow the same time on Wednesdays.