Harry Potter Inspired Family Clock Is Perfect

While we might not have magic at our disposal like Harry or Hermoine, us muggles do still have an [...]


While we might not have magic at our disposal like Harry or Hermoine, us muggles do still have an innate talent for creativity. Reddit user Tbornottb3 illustrates this perfectly with his rebuilt Weasley family clock.

Taking the worn out husk of a broken clock he found at an antique store, he then used a combination of vector shapes, a laser cutter, and some LED's to create the final product.


Though the coolest part is how he included some nifty location based rules over wifi (via his particle proton-like unit) so that when he checks in with his phone, the clock-hands change position and the corresponding text lights up. Here is a glimpse of how he did it.

I used IFTTT (If This Then That) to define radii that would send messages to the Photon if my phone entered or exited them. (I would later walk the other 5 members of my family through the same process.)

Most of the rules are location-based (setting me to WORK if I enter my university library, HOME if I enter my dorm), but you can set other triggers too (set me to HOLIDAY if the forecast calls for snow, set me to MORTAL PERIL if the stock of the company I'll be working for next year drops too low)

While you can't buy one of these yet, maybe he will make some additional clocks in the future. For now we will just have to settle for envy.