It's A Bird! It's A Plane! Someone Taped Superman To A Drone!

Cue up the John Williams theme, everybody. A UK-based Redditor outfitted his drone with a [...]

(Photo: Barry Craig/YouTube)

Cue up the John Williams theme, everybody. A UK-based Redditor outfitted his drone with a Superman toy and now, you will believe a man -- or, rather, an action figure -- can fly.

"I duct-taped a Superman figure to my Phantom 3 and flew it over Victoria Park," Barry Craig posted to YouTube and Reddit. "Glorious!"

Check it out below:

Unsurprisingly, commenters on the YouTube page are already starting to get ideas like creating their own X-Wing fighter scenes and the likes -- and one particularly clever comment acts indignant there's no post-credits sequence, of course.

Many viewers speculated that the Superman toy could have been added in post-production, because it moves so much more than the camera does. That's actually simple: The camera is on a fixed mount that stabilizes the images. The action figure is attached to the landing gear non-permanently, which means it jiggles in the wind.