Jessica Jones' Krysten Ritter Is Happy For Supergirl's Melissa Benoist

Earlier today, Krysten Ritter, the star of Netflix's new Marvel television series Jessica Jones, [...]


Earlier today, Krysten Ritter, the star of Netflix's new Marvel television series Jessica Jones, took some time out of her day to offer support and praise for Supergirl herself, Melissa Benoist.

"Had a second to get caught up on my non-Jessica Jones TV and wanted to give a special shout out to my girl Melissa Benoist!" exclaimed Ritter on her official Instagram account. "I've been a big fan of hers since she first landed in LA. I met her early on when I was casting a show that I was producing and it was clear even then, fresh off the boat, that she was poised to be a big star. I'm so proud and happy for her for landing a part that she totally shines in. Funny, strong, adorable, and radiant! Congrats fellow superhero lady! Much love!"

Not long after, Benoist graciously accepted Ritter's admiration and returned the favor.

Marvel's Jessica Jones is currently available on Netflix and Supergirl airs Monday nights on CBS.