Justice League Predicted To Do $2 Billion Box Office

With the rumor that Christian Bale is in negotiations to play Batman in a Justice League movie and [...]

With the rumor that Christian Bale is in negotiations to play Batman in a Justice League movie and that Christopher Nolan will be involved as a producer overseeing the DC Cinematic Universe, everybody seems to be coming forward with their own speculation on the story. Surprisingly, even though Christopher Nolan has repeatedly stated in the past that he was done with the Batman franchise, there don't seem to be any strong denials being issued to the rumor. Most seem to be pretty accepting that the rumor is likely true, as in hindsight the writing's been on the wall for a long time. Back in December 2012, Comicbook.com noted in an article called "The Dark Knight Rises Five Crazy Spinoff Rumors" that Christopher Nolan seemed to be warming to the possibility of a Justice League movie. While initially Christopher Nolan said he had no involvement in a Justice League project, his answer slowly changed to just being that he's done with his Batman films. We speculated that Christopher Nolan could take a producer role on a Justice League movie just like he did with Man of Steel Why would Christopher Nolan have changed his mind if the recent rumors are true? Well, Forbes has pointed out a couple billion reasons why. According to Forbes, they predict, "A Justice League film with this filmmaking team, staring these performers as these characters, and filmed and released in 3D, could have global box office potential of perhaps $2 billion or more." While Forbes doesn't offer a lot of support about how they arrived at this number, it's actually probably a pretty good prediction. The Avengers made $1.5 billion at the worldwide box office, and it didn't even feature Marvel's most popular character (Spider-Man). Two of the Batman films have crossed the $1 billion mark at the worldwide box office, while none of the Marvel solo films have. If Man of Steel is the runaway hit that most are predicting, then it's very easy to believe that a Justice League movie produced by Christopher Nolan, direct by Zack Snyder, and starring Christian Bale and Henry Cavill could hit the $2 billion mark. In fact, we might go a little further and predict that it could conceivable take Avatar out at $2.7 billion. Superman and Batman are the two best-known superheroes in the world, and the two of them in one film with a popular cast and crew would be near unstoppable. Now, we should add that the money alone probably wouldn't be the reason that Christopher Nolan would change his mind. Warner Bros. would no doubt be dangling a sizable carrot in front of him, but the reason we think Christopher Nolan might do it is that he appears to have bonded with Zack Snyder during the production of Man of Steel. It was as the Man of Steel movie was coming together that Nolan seemed to soften on his Justice League stance. If Nolan can get the director he wants and the actors he wants for a Justice League movie, then it's likely fun enough for him to agree to do it.