Marvel's Joe Quesada Says Tom Holland's Spider-Man Costume Looks Awesome

At San Diego Comic-Con, Marvel Entertainment's Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada spoke with IGN [...]

At San Diego Comic-Con, Marvel Entertainment's Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada spoke with IGN about Spider-Man joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

When asked if he had seen Tom Holland's Spider-Man costume, Quesada exclaimed, "I have. Yes. Yes!" The IGN host pounced by asking him if it looked good. To which Quesada replied, "What do you think?! It looks awesome!"

"I've seen a lot of design work that's been done on the costume," he added. "I think there are elements of it that are really going to blow people away, where they go, 'Uh, that's Marvel doing Spider-Man."

He then explains why he is excited to have the "Mickey Mouse" of the Marvel universe back in the fold. He says behind-the-scenes that people adding their input to Spidey are all on the same page, wanting to explore the iconic aspects of the character.

Listen to Joe's Spidey comments starting at the 4-minute mark in the video below.

Holland's Spider-Man/Peter Parker will make a cameo in Captain America: Civil War, which will arrive on May 6, 2016. He'll then star in the Jon Watts-directed solo Spider-Man movie to be released on July 28, 2017.