Power Rangers Megaforce Set Photos Reveal Returning Cast

A few of the previously-announced returning cast members have been caught on film and uploaded to [...]


A few of the previously-announced returning cast members have been caught on film and uploaded to the Jason David Frank official Facebook fan page, confirming that Frank and other past Power Rangers will return for the 20th Anniversary episode of Power Rangers Megaforce. The image at right shows Hector David Jr. as Samurai Green, Brittany Pirtle as Samurai Yellow, Jason David Frank as the Green Ranger, Patricia Ja Lee as Space Pink, Selwyn Ward as Space Blue and Danny Slavin as Galaxy Red in a set photo that seems to show them all in action in the same shot, along with other performers (stuntmen or extras?) wearing past Ranger uniforms as well, presumably standing in for the actors who couldn't be tempted back.


A Power Rangers fan site claims that Danny Slavin, Melody Perkins, Reggie Rolle, Sean Johnson and Jason Faunt are also "confirmed" to guest on the episode, with more invitations out and Saban still waiting at last word to hear back from those actors. You can check out a more complete set of details on who was invited and who wasn't at the RangerCrew blog. Rumor has it Frank will get a stand-alone episode, as well, with his character taking center stage in a future episode of Megaforce.