Sam Humphries Signs Exclusively To Marvel Comics

Writer Sam Humphries has signed a deal to write exclusively for Marvel Comics.Humphries, who will [...]

The Legendary Star-Lord's Sam Humphries Signs Exclusively To Marvel

Writer Sam Humphries has signed a deal to write exclusively for Marvel Comics. Humphries, who will write the upcoming Legendary Star-Lord series, originally became known following his creator-owned comic book Our Love is Real and went on to write Jon Carter: The Gods of Mars and Ultimate Comics: Ultimatum for Marvel. "In 2011, I self-published a comic called Our Love Is Real which, because of its unconventional subject matter, quickly became infamous," said Humphries. "Then-Senior Editor Stephen Wacker brought it to the attention of Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso, who gave me a call pretty much out of the blue. He said, 'Are you ready to get into the mix at Marvel?' I said, 'Before you sign me up, before we get involved -- I just want to make sure -- you have read Our Love Is Real and you know what it is about, right?!' I'm thankful they've trusted me with their books and characters ever since." In his relatively short time at Marvel, Humphries has left a mark on several series, starting with making Captain America the President of the United States in the Ultimate Marvel Universe. Humphries moved over to the mainstream Marvel Universe with Marvel NOW! and has worked on titles such as Uncanny X-Force and Avengers A.I. Next on Humphries plate is a solo series about the Guardians of the Galaxy's fearless leader, The Legendary Star-Lord. "When I first read Sam Humphries' legendarily notorious independent one-shot Our Love Is Real, I knew I was looking at a bold new voice," says Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso.  "And I fully expect that bold new voice to be on full display in the solo ongoing of the cosmos' most irreverent and unlikely super-hero, The Legendary Star-Lord." "Star-Lord is a space cowboy in the classic Marvel mold -- a swaggering adventurer who strives to do the right thing," said Humphries. "I'm excited to write The Legendary Star-Lord because it not only explores the cosmic realm of the Marvel Universe, but also the heart of a heroic scoundrel."