Stan Lee Apologizes For Calling Batman Vs. Superman’s David Goyer A Nut

After Man of Steel and Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice writer David Goyer made [...]

Stan Lee

After Man of Steel and Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice writer David Goyer made some disparaging remarks about Marvel Comics character She-Hulk, almost everyone in the world of comics weighed in with an opinion, including Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee.

"I know I was looking for a new female superhero, and the idea of an intelligent Hulk-type grabbed me," Lee told the Post's Comic Riffs. "Never for an instant did I want her as a love interest for Hulk. Only a nut would even think of that."

Of course, Lee's comments quickly went viral online, but now Lee has issued an apology of sorts. In an interview with PopStop TV, Lee offered the following clarification on his comments.

I don't want to get into a feud with David Goyer. I respect his ability, he's very talented. I just happen to say, and I wasn't thinking of him. I just happened to say, 'Only a nut would think that about the She-Hulk.' Unfortunately, that got printed all over the internet, and I probably made an enemy. I didn't mean David Goyer was a nut, I meant only a nut would think that. Draw your own conclusions.

For his part, David Goyer seems to be playing it very low key since his She-Hulk and Martian Manhunter comments created a stir online. We reached out to Goyer's publicist after the comments first surfaced, but we did not receive a response.