Stan Lee Thinks Marvel Studios Should Hire Kevin Smith To Do A Movie

Before Stan Lee became the king of Marvel movie cameos, director Kevin Smith gave Stan Lee one of [...]

Stan Lee & Kevin Smith

Before Stan Lee became the king of Marvel movie cameos, director Kevin Smith gave Stan Lee one of his first roles in a motion picture. Lee appeared in Smith's Mallrats film, which was released back in 1995.

Evidently, Lee hasn't forgotten about Smith giving him his big break. At the London Film & Comic Con this weekend, Lee voiced his support for Kevin Smith getting into the director's chair for a Marvel Studios film.

"Yeah, Kevin [Smith] would do a great job. Kevin is an old [friend]. If you're familiar with him, he's the fellow who did the movie Mallrats, years ago….my first starring vehicle," said Lee.

Lee added, "And Kevin knows the comics as well as anybody, so I don't know why Marvel doesn't hire him to do one of their movies. Maybe, they will."

So what do you think? Do you agree with Stan Lee? Should Marvel Studios hire Kevin Smith to direct one of their upcoming movies?