Stephan James Talks Acting, Comics, & More's Adam Goldberg recently chatted with Stephan James, star of the Jesse Owens biopic [...]

StephanJamesRace's Adam Goldberg recently chatted with Stephan James, star of the Jesse Owens biopic Race. When the topic of what type of comic would he want Ta-Nehisi Coates (acclaimed culture and political writer, also taking over Black Panther) to write for him came up, he had one power in particular in mind.

Well I guess it would have to be a superhero right? Someone who could do great things. Fly!

Goldberg: Where would you want to fly?

James: Everywhere! I don't want any limits. I'd like to go everywhere, with an S on my chest.

He happens to be a Superman fan at heart. Even when compared to invisibility, he still chose flight. He could've used that power during filming. The running took its toll. He described the running sequence as being a bit mentally and physically exhausting.

When asked about the representation of racial strife in cinema, and in this film in particular, he didn't feel it was at the root or heart of the movie.

I don't think that is what this story is about. It is so much bigger, so much more important than that. It's a story of inspiration, and you know Jesse was a person who didn't see color at all, so if anything this film embodies the exact opposite. You know Jesse is someone who did what he did purely for the love, and when people see the film I think they'll see that.

While race is a subject matter dealt with in the film, it doesn't encompass what the film is about. Very well said.

Race is in theaters now.