Stephen Amell Gets WWE And The WWE Gets Amell

If you’re a WWE fan, you might have noticed a few signs popping up in the audience these past [...]


If you're a WWE fan, you might have noticed a few signs popping up in the audience these past few weeks featuring the hashtag, #AmellGetsRAW. Now, it looks like both Stephen Amell AND the WWE are beginning to take notice.

Ever since September of last year, the Arrow star has made it widely known he's huge wrestling fan and would love a shot of guest hosting the longest running episodic show on television. In fact, here's a quick recap:

Last Monday night, on the RAW following Wrestlemania, Amell tweeted out the above photo that he caught while watching the broadcast and it quickly went viral. So much so, that someone at the WWE is paying attention and responded with the following:

Could we be getting closer and closer to Amell hosting RAW? Given his recent casting in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, and the WWE's recent dealings promoting another Paramount Movie (Terminator: Genisys), it might happen sooner than we think.

What do you think? Do you want to see Amell host RAW? Let us know in the comments below!