The Russos Elaborate On How Much Civil War Takes From The Comics

compared to the comics.'Our goal here is to continue the story of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, [...]

Captain America Civil War
(Photo: Marvel Entertainment)

While Captain America: Civil War is an adaptation of Marvel's Civil War comics storyline, it has some significant variations from the source material.

The changes have been no secret since the film's first trailer arrived online. Bucky is a focal point of the battle and the line-ups on either side of the war are significantly altered (and limited) compared to the comics.

"Our goal here is to continue the story of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which has developed a specific story with specific characters," says the Russo brothers, who directed Captain America: Civil War. "The original book was dealing with a different story as well as many different characters, so the intersection between this movie and the inspiring comic isn't as extensive as it was with Winter Soldier. We do use the jumping off point of government control of superheroes and the division of superheroes between sides lead by Captain America and Iron Man, but after that the movie is striking out into territory that is unique from the book."

What do you think - are the changes being made to the Civil War storyline still going to pay off when the movie arrives?

Captain America: Civil War hits theaters May 6.

via BuzzFeed