The Walking Dead's Norman Reedus & Emily Kinney Break Twitter

During the “Still” episode of The Walking Dead, AMC had promoted that Norman Reedus would be [...]

The Walking Dead Inmates Beth Daryl

During the "Still" episode of The Walking Dead, AMC had promoted that Norman Reedus would be participating in a live Twitter chat, using the #askTWD hashtag. Of course, the #askTWD immediately starting trending on Twitter. The live chat kicked off with both Norman Reedus and Emily Kinney answering a couple questions. However, a couple of questions into the live chat, Twitter broke, and Reedus and Kinney had to abandon answering questions. Here are the questions that Reedus and Kinney did get a chance to answer. In a real apocalypse, what would be the first thing you'd do? Norman Reedus: I would stick up on chocolate and grab my kid and my cat jump in the bike head north. What is your favorite part about filming TWD? Norman Reedus:  The people I've become close with the hard work and hours and you guys! Favorite weapon of choice to have in a zombie apocalypse? Emily Kinney:  Crossbow! Who is personally your favorite characters on TWD?? It can't be yourselves! Emily Kinney:  Daryl Dixon of course!!! Favorite cereal? Emily Kinney: Cooked life cereal, it's a Nebraska thing, basically life cereal cooked in butter! How do you feel about the Beth/Daryl plot line? Are you excited? Emily Kinney: Excited! It's fun working with Norman