Thor: The Dark World Deleted Scene Features More Asgardian Family Drama

Marvel Studios has released another of Thor: The Dark World’s deleted scenes in anticipation of [...]

Thor: The Dark World Deleted Scene

Marvel Studios has released another of Thor: The Dark World's deleted scenes in anticipation of its upcoming Blu-ray release. The clip features, briefly, a conversation between Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and his mother, Frigga (Rene Russo), before Thor (Chris Hemsworth) walks in. Firgga and Thor continue to discuss Frigga's relationship to both of her sons. It's a nice scene that adds a little extra depth to one of the film's key relationships. Thor: The Dark World sees Thor returning to Midgard to protect Jane Foster from the Dark Elves when she becomes possessed by and ancient, dark power. The scene will be included in the Blu-ray release of Thor: The Dark World on February 25, 2014.